If you're looking for detailed metrics around your outbound email campaigns in Salesbot, you're in luck.
Head to the Reports section located at: https://app.salesbot.io/reports
You'll also find it in the left side nav bar under, "Reports". Choose the Email Status by Campaign report and let's start analyzing all the data from your email campaigns.
From the email reports section, you can search by campaign name. Or, just view all email campaigns and their associated metrics.
Total Leads: The total number of sales leads enrolled in the email campaign
Scheduled: The total number of sales leads who have email campaigns scheduled (this includes email campaigns not yet started)
In Progress: Total for any in-progress (being sent) email campaigns
Completed: Total email sequences finished sending
Unsuccessful: Total number of leads that Salesbot didn't have verified email addresses for
Opened: Total number of leads who opened (or their email reader or system opened) emails
Responded: Total number of leads who responded to an email in the campaign
More updates and improvements coming soon--including the ability to click and sort, view more details on the campaigns, and customizing your reports + more!
Questions or feedback? Reach out to our support team at support@salesbot.io.